Tuesday 28 March 2017


Hello and welcome back again to What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday!  Every week we take a sneak peak of other crafters' desks from around the world, all courtesy of our Julia.  Click here for more information:)

Firstly, I must apologise for my no-show last week.  All is well.  I had to take the mini-kitty to get her bits done and chose a day without thinking and without my diary about my person.  Bringing her home on the Tuesday night was not the easy, anaesthetic-filled ride I thought it would be, and so no time was spent blogging.  She is fine now and has had the all clear from the vet.  Winner.

ANYWAY (Sorry, Julia)...
Here's what I got up to since the last time:
I have motored on with Felicity the Lobster.  To mask the boredom, I have split it into sections.  I unpicked the blue claw and put in the colour that was supposed to be there.

My attempt at my Mother's Mother's Day card (hee hee).  I was meant to have an afternoon to make it, but work got in the way and I had an hour and a half in the end.  I hand stitched the picture in the middle (taken from harvesting a curtain I found in a charity shop) on to a fat quarter scrap, added 4 white buttons to the corners and stuck the whole thing down onto the card with my favourite craft product, double sided tape.

So that's my desk, what's on yours?


  1. Well done on the Mother's Day card, it's a winner, especially as it involved a charity shop purchase- my favourite kind of shopping
    Lynn x 7

  2. Bet your Mum loved the card, it's really nice. and I'm prolly with you, DS tape is at least in my top ten!! Glad the kitty was OK...bet she was a bit cross with you!!

  3. Cards don't have to take you days to make to look great. I'm sure your mum loved it. Hope mini kitty is fully recovered. Sarah #13

  4. 'Family' always come first! Pleased to hear that kitty is over the vet thing ....
    Love what you did with the card, brilliant idea and very pretty when finished.
    Have a good week
    Christine #15

  5. Love your Mother's Day card, sometimes not having a lot of time makes your very creative. I bet your Mum loved it.
    Glad mini kitty is making a good recovery.
    Have a good week
    Hugs Lisax 19

  6. Hi Lucy. Cannot believe how much Felicity has grown. Well done you. A lovely Mother's Day card.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #29

  7. Very creative Mother's Day card! I'm sure it was appreciated! Keep plowing along with the lobster - it will be done in no time! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #35
